About Us


1:1 Beauty Co. is owned and operated by a husband-and-wife duo that loves all things natural. However, one thing that we learned while trying to implement a healthier lifestyle is that it's not always the most budget-friendly option that's available. So growing up being taught that we should always want for others the things that we want for ourselves, we tended to feel a sense of responsibility towards those who aren't able to access the same resources as others simply because of their background, history, and financial situation.

Factoring in numerous other elements, somewhere in between adopting the mindset of starting our own business and hunting for a lip balm that didn't irritate us was the birth of the initial idea for our brand - an idea, nonetheless, that was never really set into motion initially. While considering practically every ecommerce route under the sun for 2 years, from FBA to eBay - and even trying our hands at a couple of them - starting a one-for-one was the one thought that kept resurfacing. So when 2020 rolled around, its consistent revisit was finally taken as a sign and began to solidify. Partnering up with a local nonprofit in our hometown of Buffalo, N.Y. and bringing back that original intention of working with lip balms, our home slowly turned into the base of operations for something that grew from an idea into a passion - a passion that we would love to share with the world.

Choosing to handcraft our products allows us to control every aspect of what goes into what we sell, never compromising quality while keeping prices competitive. We are beyond grateful to be able to do the work we are doing and hope that you will join us as we strive to provide basic essentials for those less fortunate both nationwide and around the globe.

To learn more about Our Mission and what it is that we're doing, please click here.



At 1:1 Beauty Co., we create products not only meant to fulfill a purpose, but also to meet the highest standards present in the market today. Our benchmark? Your satisfaction. That's why we would like you to know that your input is always welcome. If we can't produce to meet your needs, then we are failing at what we're doing.

For any and all suggestions you might have, never hesitate to contact us through our site, email, or any of our social media pages.